You're Witnessing History In The Making
For the time being prices are practically close to nothing. We don't promise anything, but can honestly say that a very modest investment in property in VilionA has a great potential to become a very very rewarding one.
We are not actually selling yet and no money exchanges hands, but we enable to secure an option to acquire units of property. The actual sale will be carried out quiet soon, and Vilionaires who so wish will be able to make the actual purchase and pay for it. The prices are in Vilions** + US$.
Each Vilionaire is entitled to secure for him/her self an option to buy no more than 20 land property units. Each Vilionaire is entitled to secure for him/her self an option to buy no more than 7 units of private island.
The Prices in the following Lists are exclusive for Vilionaires - Citizens of VilionA. Not a Vilionaire? Add 150% to the specified prices.
Regular: Anywhere in VilionA that is not Prime
or Prize location.
Prime: About 20 Km. from Prize location.
Prize: Best locations. In the vicinity of the
capital city, main cities, cross-
continent canals, main ports, main
airports, main rivers, lakes, national
Residential: Self residence, rent, lease
Recreational: Hotels, Resorts, Sports,
Entertainment, Clubs,
Amusement Parks
Public benefit: Educational, Medical, Academic,
Scientific Research, Museum
* A Property Unit =1 Acre = 4,000 m2
** The Vilion is the legal tender of the state of
VilionA. Each citizen of VilionA receives upon
joining WELCOMING GRANTS that include 5
million Vilion deposited by The VilionA's
Ministry of Treasury in his or her personal
Relevant information: At Mark Zuckerberg's MetaVers units of
property are sold for U$ 15,000 each.

Property Price List
Filling and submitting this form express your intentions,
but in No Way establishes a binding contract or commitment
to buy on your side. In due time you will be notified that the
property secured for you is available to buy, and be asked to pay. Only a signed deed and actual payment bind the parties

*** Write in here the Property serial No. of each property you want an option for, and the number of units of it that you plan to buy when it's made available.
e.g. No.2: 10 units. No.7: 2 units. No.8: 4 units. No.12: 5 units. etc.
Private Islands Price List